We are looking for consumers and businesses that are willing to share their experiences with data loss and protection with ElephantDrive. Every user story that gets published will receive a free ElephantDrive T-Shirt and the best story will receive a brand new 16 GB iPod Touch.
Please email all submissions to [email protected] and make sure to include the following:
Describe an incident in which you lost critical data:
- Was it the result of hardware failure? Theft? User error? Fire, flood, or other natural disaster?
- Was it personal or business related?
Describe your experience with ElephantDrive:
- What do you use ElephantDrive for?
- How does ElephantDrive help you? What problem does it solve?
- What is your favorite thing about ElephantDrive? What is your least favorite thing about ElephantDrive? If you could add feature(s), what would they be?
- Any other comments / stories / suggestions?