There may not be a single time in life that’s more frantic than when someone is moving. I don’t know about anyone else but the few times I’ve moved have been filled with nothing but procrastination, and last week was no exception. I was parting way with my buddy that I’ve been living with since college; we’ve been living together for almost 4 years and this move was seemingly more significant than two roommates moving on: it was the end of an era.

Around year 2 of living together my computer crashed and I started to use his computer for basically everything. I began saving things to his desktop, and even made folders for myself. He didn’t really care, and I always told myself I’d just back everything up when I needed to. I wish someone told me that I was irresponsible, because my planned back up never happened.

As soon as I left our apartment I instantly realized how much I had left behind – specifically all of the computer stuff. I began to realize how much I needed all of my old files that I never transferred to my computer. I called my buddy and he told me he’d back them up on a hard drive and send them, but I think somewhere deep down we both knew that wasn’t going to happen (we both procrastinate).

I was running through various scenarios as to how I was going to get all my stuff back and then it hit me – The Cloud! I set up an ElephantDrive account and talked him through the simple steps to get us a joint account. Even for people like us, who both like to put everything off, this was an extremely simple solution. My friend backed everything up and an hour later I had all of my old files back.

It was oddly bittersweet getting everything back; the file transfer solidified our move… The Cloud is officially helping me move on.


Categories: General