There’s a fantastic sub shop right next to my office here in downtown Boston called Al’s. Here, go ahead and check out the website (; it’s the one on South Street, right by South Station, if anyone’s familiar with Boston). It’s delicious. Amazing ingredients wrapped in fresh-baked French bread … I have to stop myself from getting up from my desk and getting a sandwich right now.
Al’s is also one of those great places where the “small” size could easily fill up any mortal human being, and where the “large” size could conceivably be a challenge on a Food Network show. So, every time I go in there, I do have to make a choice. What size do I need? Do I want to just feel satisfied, or do I need that extra kind of full that requires a post-lunchtime nap at the desk? Would there be another person at the office that could use that extra sandwich?
Just like I do every time I go to Al’s, you’ve got to make the choice of what size plan you’re going to need when you get ready to back up your stuff with ElephantDrive. We’ve already established the benefits of using the service – the added safety, security and accessibility you get with the cloud – but the next step after you decide to use the service is to decide how much space your stuff will take up.
If you’re a personal user – someone who wants to just back up their home files or only a certain number of work files – we have our different accounts listed here ( These accounts start at 100 gigabytes (that’s about the size of the average hard drive) and go all the way up to a 2-terabyte plan. Now, if you’re just storing the average stuff most users have (pictures, videos, audio files, word documents), you will probably be okay with 100-500 GB of storage, depending on how much stuff you have. If you’re someone that does a lot of heavy file work at home – a graphic designer, let’s say, or another type of freelancer – a plan in the TB range might be better.
Now, if you’re a business user, you’re better off checking out our business plans, which can be found here. ( These are broken down into four different categories – small, medium, large, or Terabyte+. Small businesses should be okay with the 50-250 GB “small” storage range; companies in the 50/100 employee range can use the “medium” 300-500 GB of storage cluster; and any larger companies (or ones with intense file space demands) should be looking at the “large” or Terabyte+ group.
So be sure to think carefully about these options and select the best one for your business or personal use. And if anyone happens to travel to Boston anytime soon, stop off at Al’s? Steak Pizzaola. Trust me.