The ElephantDrive team has been hard at work to expand the availability of ElephantDrive across different platforms and OS. We are proud to announce the ElephantDrive App (Beta) for Windows 8 as the newest addition to the existing platforms being supported by ElephantDrive. ElephantDrive now supports Windows (including Windows Servers), Mac, Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint), Android, and NAS). The supported NAS devices (QNAP TurboNAS, Netgear ReadyNAS, and Thecus NAS) come with ElephantDrive fully integrated. That means you can directly backup to the cloud from you NAS – no need to set up the backups through a computer.
With this new addition in our supported platforms, ElephantDrive is truly becoming one of the most friendly cloud backup solution across all platforms. Our team will continue to work to expand our supported platforms. We are also curious to hear from you about which platform would you like to see ElephantDrive on? Just tell us below:
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