Our friends at American Data Company organized a great event last week called “De-mystifying the Cloud.” The Keynote speakers from Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Salesforce.com did a nice job of explaining how their respective platforms operate, and generally provided their answers to typical end user concerns about cloud-based solutions. They also discussed (though less that we would have liked) how the two platforms are different – AWS providing infrastructure-on-demand and Force providing a platform for application development on demand.
The speakers were also kind enough to make their presentations available, which we’ve in turn posted here:
Amazon Web Services presentation
The most interesting elements (to us, anyway) were the stats – checkout pages 11, 12, and 13 of the AWS presentation. You’ll find that the have more than 540,000 developers using the tools, more than 52 billion objects stored at S3, and since 2007 AWS has used more bandwidth than Amazon.com (a lot!). Pretty amazing numbers…