My company was taking a business trip to Utah and my flight was booked for 7am. My boss sent me an email and asked how I was getting to the airport, when I told him I was taking a taxi he immediately asked me to pick him up along the way. Great, I thought. He’s one of those guys that never shuts off and works in his sleep. And unfortunately, at about 7am, I’m still somewhat asleep.
When the taxi and I pulled up to his house, my boss immediately sat next to me and asked if I received some emails from last night. I knew it – work mode. He then asked about a few things I was working on the day before and I told him everything was finished. He started to ramble about wanting to see some files and how he needs to get to his computer.
Fortunately for my boss, he uses an Android phone. What this means is that he can easily access the cloud and the ElephantDrive system. I couldn’t believe he has access to all of our files and didn’t know. When I finally said: “Hey, you know you can access ElephantDrive from your phone” (it’s in beta), it was as though someone had told him he won the lottery. I honestly don’t know when I’ve seen him so happy.
In the back of the taxi, he proceeded to flip through all of our work files. I then told him he could access our documents from any computer – he just got happier. Apparently he thought he could only access them from his own computer. We talked about it working on different platforms, tablets, phones… He was mesmerized.
I’m not sure if I shot myself in the foot by allowing him to work more, but what it did do was allow me some peace in the back of a taxi for the remainder of the drive – my boss had everything he needed.