Hi ElephantDrive Nation,
World Backup Day is just around the corner. Are you ready???
The organizers of World Backup Day have a web site and a twitter feed, and they are sounding the call.
Don’t be an April fool. Backup your files. Check your restores.
Sure it’s a totally manufactured concept, mostly used for marketing purposes. That doesn’t matter to us, because every March 31st it achieves an important goal that we endorse: it raises general awareness of the importance of data backup. So first off – kudos to the World Backup Day team.
Having said that, we think it is comical/interesting/exciting to see what sort of marketing efforts get deployed around the annual reminder day. One that caught our eye was an online backup provider that is offering a “$1 Million Online Backup Giveaway.” This sounded a little too good to be true, so we checked it out. Are they giving away $1 million? Of course not. They don’t seem like fools and they aren’t giving away any money. What they are doing is offering three months of free storage to the first 66,667 accounts created, something they claim is worth (in aggregate) $1 million.
Funny. Cute. Going to get nice headlines. Bravo fellas. But not cool. You think a million dollars is cool? It’s like you never even saw the movie…
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e0n7vTLz1U]We’re taking the important lesson of The Social Network to heart. If you are one of the first 33,500,838 people to create a paying account at ElephantDrive between now (the time of this post) and the end of World Backup Day, all you need to do is write us an email at [email protected] with the subject line “a billion dollars” from the email address associated with your account, and we’ll give you three months free! A billion dollar backup giveaway!!! Now that’s cool.