Oh no! I dropped my “life” in the toilet!
Once upon a time, when a person lost or had their mobile phone stolen, there was one concern and one concern alone; that the finder or the thief would start making six hour calls to Read more…
Once upon a time, when a person lost or had their mobile phone stolen, there was one concern and one concern alone; that the finder or the thief would start making six hour calls to Read more…
My friend was moving from San Francisco to Chicago and needed help packing. I told him I could give him a hand, so I took a day off work and drove up from LA late Read more…
Let’s say you recognize the need for backing up your files, and hopefully, for backing up your backup. That said, I submit to you that your primary mode of backup should be online. Why? Because Read more…
As you search for online storage providers, you might be a bit confused by the terminology used by the “experts”; specifically, the term “cloud” and the phrase “cloud computing.” And, to complicate things, you may Read more…
My OCD roommate told me that he regularly scans his receipts and saves them to look back on everything he’s purchased through out the year. I’ve been making fun of him for about three years Read more…
My company was taking a business trip to Utah and my flight was booked for 7am. My boss sent me an email and asked how I was getting to the airport, when I told him Read more…
Check out this insightful take on the subtle differences between “cloud backup” and “online backup” by technology writer Daniel Dern at HP’s Input-Output web site. Dern (among many other roles in the tech space he Read more…
Great coverage of the increasing competition in the small business NAS space by Desmond Fuller at Infoworld – check out his piece on the “NAS shootout” for the details. As our friends at OnlineCloudStorage Blog Read more…
We’re excited to announce a new blog written by Aaron Belsh, one of our Business Development Associates here at ElephantDrive. The purpose of the blog is to keep track of trends within the online backup Read more…
Interesting news from the storage world – Linux giant Red Hat bought storage software provider Gluster… Yesterday Red Hat announced the acquisition of Gluster, a Sunnyvale-based provider of open source solutions for storing and managing Read more…