
More Maintenance…

NOTICE: During our scheduled maintenance on 7/19/2009, a configuration error was made. While none of your data is at risk, the error requires that we bring down the ElephantDrive service yet again to correct it. Read more…


Update: Maintenance Complete

Hi ElephantDrivers, Thanks again for your patience while we completed the longer-than-planned upgrades to our infrastructure.  We think you’ll find the performance enhancements well worth the wait. Special thanks to those users who provided valuable Read more…


Alert: Scheduled Maintenance Update…

Hi ElephantDrive Community, We will be performing some updates and maintnenance procedures that will cause some service elements to be unavailable to users in different geographic locations throughout the late afternoon and early evening today. Read more…


Maintenance Complete

Herd, Thanks as always for your patience with our engineers.  We were able to perform our system upgrades and bring back our US West facilities, although it took a little longer than we had hoped. Read more…


Outage Alert

Herd, In our ongoing effort to provide you with the premium online storage offering on the web, today we are performing routine maintenance on our infrastructure. This will cause the US West facility to have Read more…