
Free as a Cloud?

D. Frankel over at paidContent links to a new story out from PriceWaterhouseCoopers taking a look at consumer attitudes toward cloud-based digital storage. He sees the survey’s results as sort of “glass 30 percent full, Read more…


Beware of “Sneaky” Features.

It’s not that online or cloud backup providers necessarily mean to be sneaky, or evil.  It’s just that sometimes the consumer can sign up for a “great” deal without getting all the facts.  There are Read more…


Bunnies and the Cloud

While babysitting my 2-year-old niece I learned something that I don’t think anyone in my family knew – she loves bunnies. Apparently she loves everything about them. Whether we’re watching a TV show, online video, Read more…


The Cloud and The Bus

I was heading into work early because I had to finish a project that was due later in the day. As I pulled from my driveway, what I consider to be the worst-case scenario happened Read more…


Do the ‘Droid

The very first cellphone I ever had was presented to me as a 16th birthday present, in a massive package the size of a cereal box, from parents who gave me that whole “well, you’re Read more…